2D/3D CAD for Pattern Making

2D 3D CAD for Pattern Making and auto-nesting

Create™ is the Crea Solution 2D CAD Suite to create and modify patterns for fashion industry, fully integrate with 3D CAD Lotta & Vstitcher.

  • Garade sized automatically
  • Design a whole pattern base in only 10 seconds thanks to the macro functions integrated in the CAD
  • Import and work on pattern created by other CADs
  • Accelerate your creative flow
  • Digitize your patterns in 4 different ways
  • Become a Crea CAD expert in ONLY 3 DAYS of training, thanks to the reduction of designing times, designers are able to fully express their creativity.
Discover the 2D/3D CAD

Specific solutions for each industry


Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.
Theodore Levitt

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